PhD Program in

 Systems Science (SyS

📢 Call for Applications Now Open!

Apply by May 30, 2025, 1:00 PM [CET].


the program 

The PhD program in Systems Science

The PhD program in Systems Science (SyS) equips students with advanced skills for tackling research on technological, natural, economic, and social systems using mathematical models. Throughout their doctoral studies, SyS students learn various skills that enable them to create, employ, and implement techniques for analyzing and predicting complex phenomena. These techniques involve analytical, numerical, and computational models that originate from first principles or data, incorporating a range of interdisciplinary fields such as mathematics, operations research, physics, statistics, computer science, and engineering.

The program encompasses several subjects such as machine learning, network science, analysis and control of dynamical systems, time-series analysis, statistical physics, complex systems theory, numerical optimization, numerical integration of differential equations, statistics, stochastic processes, agent-based models, specification languages, programming, and software analysis. SyS students acquire proficiency in these areas of study by pursuing one of four specialization tracks:

Students compose tailored study plans by choosing subjects from a wide portfolio of basic and advanced courses, covering a minimum of 150 lecture hours. SyS students also have the opportunity to spend a study period abroad as visiting fellows.

English is the official language at the School.

Scholarships and funding

All students enrolled in the PhD program receive a scholarship of about €1,350/month, which includes pension contributions and results in a net salary of about €1,200/month for 3 years. As an exclusive additional benefit, students are offered free on-campus serviced housing and full board at the IMT canteen, worth an equivalent of about €800/month. Furthermore, they are given a research budget of about 4,000 to attend international academic conferences, summer and winter schools, and other similar events. During visiting periods abroad, the scholarship is increased by 50%, possibly receiving further funds from the Erasmus+ program.

Incoming student profiles

Applicants who hold a master's degree in computer science, engineering, physics, mathematics, statistics, or other related fields are eligible to apply for the SyS program.

Outgoing student profiles

Graduates of the SyS program can pursue a variety of career paths, including academic positions in engineering, computer science, physics, applied mathematics, and other related fields. Additionally, they can get opportunities in various industries, services, public and private research laboratories, study centers, regulatory centers, consulting firms, and the public sector.

Former SyS students have secured positions at top universities, prestigious companies, international institutions, research centers, and innovative startups, as evidenced on the Past Students page.

The IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca

The international PhD program in Systems Science (SyS) is hosted by the IMT School, one of the seven Schools of Excellence in Italy, and one of the highest-rated graduate schools in Europe, according to the most recent U-Multirank survey.  The School offers rigorous training and personalized supervision in technical, social, human, and natural sciences, and encourages interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches that push disciplinary boundaries.

The IMT School fosters a genuinely global atmosphere by welcoming students from diverse geographical locations. 

PhD program structure and list of courses

Requirements and application process

Professors and researchers supervising students and teaching courses

PhD Students currently enrolled in the Systems Science program

Facilities, services, and activities

Alumni and placement